Register Your Product for Warranty

Get peace of mind with our comprehensive warranty and support services.

Register your producT

Benefits of Registering

  • Coverage for products purchased from other platforms like eBay.
  • Access to extended warranty options.
  • Premium support services with rapid response times.
  • Onsite technician support in the US. (Premium Warranty)
  • You can get Pre-approved advanced RMA with next-day shipping.

Warranty Registration

Please complete all fields to register your product for warranty coverage.

Customer Information:

Product Information:

Purchase Information:

Premium Offers:

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Asset Lifecycle Chart

Third Party Maintenance

Didn’t buy your product from us? No problem! You can still purchase our third-party maintenance services.

Cost: Dataknox TPM typically offer lower rates than OEMs for maintenance and support services.
Flexibility: We offer a wide range of service level agreements (SLAs) than OEMs.
24/7/365 support: TPM providers typically offer 24/7/365 support
Third party maintenance

End of Life (EOL) Check

To see if your product is supported, check the End of Life status.

Hardware repair: Third-party technicians can repair your EOL equipment, even if the OEM no longer offers support.
Third-Party Maintenance: We offer comprehensive maintenance services for products that have reached their EOL. This includes regular updates, security patches, and technical support.
Security patches: Third-party providers can provide security patches for EOL software and firmware.
End of life check
Asset Lifecycle Chart